
What Does God think about Hospitals and Fast Food?
Is it possible that the life that we have built for ourselves in the West is not producing reliance on God because we think we can do everything ourselves? What was designed for the pursuit of happiness and human flourishing has left people in their own hands,...

Rooted Podcast | Conversation with Matt Lee
Matt Lee is the director of Psalm 82.3, a ministry focused on defending the fatherless. In this interview, he discusses his journey to becoming involved in orphan care and adoption, and how his ministry, Psalm 82.3, was born out of a desire to help other families adopt and care for orphans, as well as raise awareness about the needs of the fatherless.

Advice That Changed My Walk With Christ Forever
Have you ever thought about what you consume? That question has been a constant subject in my life ever since the movie "Super Size Me" came out. The film talks about the dangers of fast food and goes along with the saying, "You become what you eat." I believe we can...